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An introduction to The Nordic Gender Equality Paradox

Nordic societies seem to have it all: a historic tradition of women’s entrepreneurship, modern welfare states that provide support to working parents, outstanding levels of women’s participation in the labour market and populations that strongly support the idea of gender equality. It therefore comes as a surprise that Nordic countries, in one international ranking after another, are shown to have few women among top-managers and business owners. Another surprise is that the three Baltic countries, which have more conservative societies and a more small-government approach than their Nordic neighbors, have more women managers, top executives and business owners.

In this book, Dr. Nima Sanandaji shows that the apparent paradox has a simple answer: Nordic welfare states are – unintentionally – holding women back. Public sector monopolies and substantial tax wedges limit women’s progress in the labour market. Overly generous parental leave systems encourage women to stay home rather than work. Welfare state safety nets discourage women from self-employment. On the other hand, the much-avowed affirmative action laws in Norway have not helped further women’s career possibilities.

Nordic gender egalitarianism, rooted in the Viking era, deserves to be admired by the rest of the world. However, it needs to be combined with a more free-market approach to truly blossom in the 21st century. Perhaps also in this regard the Nordics can teach the rest of the world valuable lessons about gender equality


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Already during the time of the Vikings, Norse societies stood out by granting women more freedom and power than other parts of Europe. The uniquely gender equal Nordic culture seems to have persisted throughout the Middle Ages to the modern era. Sweden was for example a pioneer when it came to open up early capitalism for women’s participation. The World Value Survey shows that Nordic societies also today have uniquely gender equal norms.




One could expect the Nordic societies to be leading when it comes to the share of women at top. After all, these countries combine a gender equal culture with a high participation rate of women in the labour market and policies formed to encourage working mothers. However various international rankings all paint the same picture: there are surprisingly few women who reach managerial positions in the Nordics, particularly so in private enterprise. For example, while 32% of directors and chief executives in private enterprise are women in Eastern and Central Europe, the share is only 13% in the Nordics.




It is not in Nordic welfare states that we find most women on top, but rather in the free-market systems that exist in the United States, New Zealand, Australia and other Anglo-Saxon economies. The only Nordic country which has relatively many women on top is Iceland, which is the country in the region which has the smallest welfare state. Evidently, something in the Nordic welfare state is holding women back when compared to the more market based American model.



Norway’s gender quotas are admired by many abroad. Yet, researchers have shown that they have been anything but a success. As quotas were introduced, the management of firms deteriorated. The reason is that less experienced people were put on boards. More importantly, the quotas have not been able to have any broader effect on the gender gap in wages. They have merely benefited a small group of elite women who have been given board positions due to the quotas. According to the Nordic Labour Journal Norway had no female CEO:s in its 60 largest firms, even though 8 years had passed since the quotas had been introduced. The Nordic need market reforms, not government mandates, to boost women’s careers.



It can seem as a paradox why Nordic societies – which are the most gender equal in the world in many regards – have few women on top of the business world. As this book shows, research literature points to a simple reason for this apparent paradox: the welfare state is unintentionally holding women back. Public sector monopolies, high tax wedges and welfare state policies such as generous parental leave are limiting women’s opportunities on the marketplace, and encouraging them to work few hours. Privatizations and tax reductions on the other hand have boosted women’s progress in the Nordics.






Dr. Nima Sanandaji is a Swedish author of Kurdish origin, who has previously written two books and numerous papers on women’s career progress and entrepreneurship. He is the president of the European Centre for Entrepreneurship and Policy Reform (ECEPR) and also associated researcher at the Centre for Policy Studies and the Centre for the Market Reform of Education. His previous writings, such as Scandinavian Unexceptionalism, Renaissance for Reforms and SuperEntrepreneurs have been cited by international media and translated to various languages.

Follow Nima on Twitter

For interview requests, please contact him at or +46733960481.


International Media

Reality Check: Women Are Worse Off In ‘Democratic Socialist’ Countries | 2018-08-30

Mentioned in Iranian magazine | 2018-08-16

Reality Check: Women Are Worse Off In ‘Democratic Socialist’ Countries | 2018-07-30

Reality Check: Women Are Worse off in ‘Democratic Socialist’ Countries | 2018-07-30

魔鬼在统治着我们的世界(14):经济篇(上)(图) | 2018-07-15

David Brooks: ” The gender war is fake “ | 2018-07-08

The gender war is on – and fake | 2018-07-06

The gender war is fake – just ask a millennial | 2018-07-03

David Brooks : President’s gender was is fake news | 2018-07-03

Opinion | The Gender War Is On! And Fake | 2018-07-03

The Gender War Is On! And Fake | 2018-07-03

The Gender War Is On! And Fake | 2018-07-02

The Gender Paradox of the Nordic Welfare State | 2018-06-28

The Gender Paradox of the Nordic Welfare State | 2018-06-11
Western liberals have a special place in their hearts for the Nordic countries.

The Gender Paradox of the Nordic Welfare State | 2018-06-11
Western liberals have a special place in their hearts for the Nordic countries. Their affection is nurtured by a conviction that done correctly, public policy can magically smooth out human contradiction and rid us of difficult tradeoffs.

Inequality Understood | 2018-06-08
A gender gap exists in hours worked and earnings. Most of it is due to the arrival of children, creating a difference of around 20 percent even in countries known for gender equality.

Kvotering av kvinner gir neppe fremskritt for likestilling | 2018-05-08
"Tanken var aldri å skape et sovjetisk system der staten bestemmer kjønnsfordelingen, men å bryte et mønster og få til endringer."

Kjønnskvotering er neppe et fremskritt for likestilling | Nima Sanandaji | 2018-05-07
"Tanken var aldri å skape et sovjetisk system der staten bestemmer kjønnsfordelingen, men å bryte et mønster og få til endringer."

Kvoteringsmisslyckandet som ingen kommer lära sig av | 2018-04-19
"Norges lag om kvotering till bolagsstyrelser fyller 15 år i år. Siffrorna visar att den inte har gjort mycket för jämställdheten."

Norway’s invisible glass ceiling | 2018-04-04
"Despite quotas for women on corporate boards, the country has relatively few female managers."

"As I’ve mentioned in an earlier post, the public sector and public servants in Denmark are praised very highly by the left, to the extent where they reached a kind of cult status."

"Women’s progress is a global phenomenon, but one region is widely regarded as being the world leader in gender equality – the Nordics."

Nordic Welfare States Worsen the Gender Gap | 2018-03-19
"It’s a paradoxical reality that the media would prefer to ignore. Following International Women’s Day 2018, a host of policies have been promoted as ways to advance women’s careers."

Bjørnskov: Velfærdsstaten er en barriere for kvinders karriere | 2018-03-14
"Traditionelt betragter vi Norden som ligestillingens højborg - et sted hvor kvinder og mænd behandles ens. Ny forskning peger dog på, at de nordiske velfærdsstater holder kvinder tilbage og skaber høje barrierer for deres karrierer."

The Nordic glass ceiling? | 2018-03-12
"Iceland in particular stands out among the Nordic states, since it has a smaller welfare state than its larger Nordic cousins and also ranks among the highest share of female managers in the world."

"The welfare state holds women back. Women in the United States are more likely to make it to the top in their fields than are women in the Nordic countries, despite the latter’s reputation for gender equality."

"Iceland in particular stands out among the Nordic states, since it has a smaller welfare state than its larger Nordic cousins and also ranks among the highest share of female managers in the world."

The Nordic glass ceiling? – Marginal REVOLUTION | 2018-03-12
"L'Islande, en particulier, se démarque parmi les pays nordiques, car son État-providence est moins important que ses plus grands cousins ​​nordiques et se classe également parmi la plus forte proportion de femmes gestionnaires au monde."

Don’t emulate the ‘Nordic glass ceiling’ | 2018-03-12
"Nima Sanandaji of the Cato Institute urges caution for those who believe the United States should follow Nordic countries’ lead when it comes to gender-equity programs."

Ten Reasons We Can’t, and Shouldn’t, Be Nordic | 2018-03-12
"Americans are not just a few policy changes away from becoming happy Norwegians or Finns."

Nordic ‘Glass Ceiling’ Shows How Gender Equity Suffers From Government Overreach | 2018-03-08
"The rise of the Nordic welfare state has been a double-edged sword" for women's professional progress.

The Nordic Glass Ceiling | 2018-03-08

Nordic ‘Glass Ceiling’ Shows How Gender Equity Suffers From Government Overreach | 2018-03-08
"Kyle Monk Blend Images/NewscomNordic countries beat the United States at a host of measures related to gender equality."

Vill inte regeringen satsa på kvinnligt företagande? | 2018-01-15
"Vinstreglering ska bara införas i de delar av näringslivet där kvinnor dominerar bland företagarna. Tänker man sig att det på ett magiskt sätt inte kommer att påverka jämställdheten?"

Management Diversity: Will Targets And Quotas Improve Gender Diversity? | 2017-11-21
Recent research by Nima Sanandaji on the effects of mandatory quotas in Norway suggests that mandatory quotas may lead to negative consequences for businesses. Sanandaji's research found that the introduction of mandatory quotas for public companies requiring 40% of board members to be women led to a 3.5% decline in share prices as companies were forced to promote less experienced women in order to meet the short compliance time frame.

Management diversity: will targets and quotas improve gender diversity? | 2017-11-21

Gender equality and Sweden | 2017-11-10
Although Sweden in many cases is doing an extraordinary job in advancing women’s careers, there are also some pitfalls to look out for.

 | 2017-08-20

Lattemammorna får skylla sig själva | 2017-06-19
Nimas Sanandajis bok The Nordic Gender Equality Paradox visar att svenska kvinnor i ett internationellt perspektiv har svårt att nå toppen eftersom de helt enkelt arbetar för lite.

Regeringen kallar sig feministisk – men de måste börja leverera resultat | 2016-11-10

Diversity quotas: Do they help get more women in the boardroom? | 2016-11-10

Regeringen måste ställas mot väggen om kvotering | 2016-10-12

Kvoteringslag ökade inte jämställdheten | 2016-09-29
Kort sagt levererade kvotering inte jämställdhet i Norge. Kanske förklarar denna erfarenhet varför den svenska regeringen inte sätter några konkreta målsättningar med sin kvoteringslag.

Kulturmannen har många bröder. | 2016-09-23
Många av dem har höga positioner och viktiga jobb, men männen med höga positioner och viktiga jobb var inte där. Utom då forskaren Nima Sanandaji, med sin bok The Nordic gender equality paradox som säger att de nordiska länderna i en internationell jämförelse har få kvinnliga chefer och företagare. Han menar att välfärdsstaten – oavsiktligt – håller tillbaka kvinnor från att nå toppen.

Gender quotas don’t help businesses – they don’t even help women | 2016-09-14
The Nordic Gender Equality Paradox by Nima Sanandaji assesses gender equality programs and plans in Iceland, Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Specifically in Norway, the evidence from studying quotas shows neutral or negative results, both for women’s advancement and company performance – the two areas we are told will most obviously benefit.

Põhjamaine uuring: sookvootidest pole kasu ei äridele ega naistele | 2016-09-14

Kvotering är missriktad politik | 2016-09-13
Könskvotering i bolagsstyrelser är ett missriktat förslag för ett mer jämställd näringsliv.

¿Qué tanto nos falta para la equidad de género? | 2016-07-01
Una paradoja es un hecho o expresión aparentemente contraria a la lógica. Como decir, por ejemplo, que a pesar de que los países nórdicos, Islandia, Noruega, Finlandia y Suecia, tienen los índices más bajos de desigualdad de género, son también hogar de las tasas más altas de Europa de violencia entre las parejas.

Free market feminism #5: female entrepreneurs | 2016-06-30
There are many more examples of women entrepreneurs who have achieved their potential, creating value for society in the process, thanks to liberalizations of markets previously monopolized by European welfare states.

When gender quotas backfire | 2016-06-29

Gender quotas don’t help businesses — they don’t even help women | 2016-06-29
A book about the Nordic experience released in May 2016 punctures those hopes and should be cause for reconsidering Ontario’s path. The Nordic Gender Equality Paradox by Nima Sanandaji assesses gender-equality programs and plans in Iceland, Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

Velferdsstaten er glasstaket | 2016-06-25

Valgfrihet vs. reell valgfrihet | 2016-06-17
Her skriver han om hvordan nordiske kvinner (og menn) faller inn i et mønster – for ikke å si ett mønster – dels som følge av politikk, dels som følge av holdninger som er utbredt i den toneangivende eliten: Alle skal ta fødselspermisjon, fordelt på mor og far, i cirka ett år. Deretter skal alle jobbe fulltid, fordi vi følger arbeidslinjen.

Statsrådet som försvann | 2016-06-14
Boken har väckt internationell uppmärksamhet. Michael Barone i Washington Examiner använder boken som argument mot Hillary Clintons familjepolitiska linje (flexibla arbetstider, betald föräldraledighet och betald sjukledighet) med argumentet att i Skandinavien så arbetar många kvinnor, men sällan i den privata sektorn och sällan så många arbetstimmar att de når toppen.

Criticising Two-Side Impact on of Welfare State Policies against Women | 2016-06-11
The book is interesting and important to read, especially by enthusiasts or public policy makers, gender and development issues, social and economic issues, and comparative politics study.

Nordycki paradoks. Państwo opiekuńcze niszczy kariery kobiet | 2016-06-09
To wina rozbudowanego państwa opiekuńczego – twierdzi Nima Sanandaji w książce „The Nordic Gender Equality Paradox”.

Michael Barone commentary: Clinton’s ‘equal pay’ argument is unnecessary | 2016-06-08
That's certainly been the effect in Scandinavia, where such policies have been carried furthest. The effect, Swedish scholar Nima Sanandaji writes, is that ''many women work, but seldom in the private sector and seldom enough hours to reach the top.''

Państwo opiekuńcze niszczy kariery kobiet | 2016-06-05

We don’t need no equality police. Able women know the free market is their friend | 2016-06-03
When will feminists get it? When will the penny drop that their complaints are futile and that women who want to get on are better left to fight it out in the free market?

Free market feminism #4: On the gender time gap | 2016-06-02
And what happens when policies encourage women to work less hours than men? The simple answer is that women fall behind men in their careers.

Svenska modellen är en kvinnofälla | 2016-05-30
Boken öppnar för nya ingångar till en diskussion som tenderar att fastna i gamla hjulspår om representativitet och krav på kvotering. Det gör Sanadajis bidrag värdefullt.

Svenska modellen är en kvinnofälla | 2016-05-30
Förhoppningsvis kommer boken att leda till en vidare diskussion om hur jämställdheten faktiskt kan öka i Sverige.

Free market feminism #3: how Anglo-Saxon capitalism promotes women’s careers | 2016-05-26
If the Nordic countries – with their uniquely gender equal cultures and history – where to adapt a bit more of Anglo Saxon style capitalism, perhaps they would have greater success in breaking the glass-ceiling.

Likestillings­politikken gagner ikke karrierekvinner | 2016-05-25
Ser man på andelen kvinnelige toppledere, er avstanden enda større. Her er snittet i de baltiske landene 31 prosent, mens Norden bare har 13 prosent.

Barone: Clinton Would Make Pay Gap Bigger | 2016-05-24
The effect, Swedish scholar Nima Sanandaji writes, is that "many women work, but seldom in the private sector and seldom enough hours to reach the top." - See more at:

Clinton Policies to End Pay Gap Would Just Make It Larger | 2016-05-24
The effect, Swedish scholar Nima Sanandaji writes, is that “many women work, but seldom in the private sector and seldom enough hours to reach the top.”

Clinton Policies to End Pay Gap Would Just Make It Larger | 2016-05-24
The effect, Swedish scholar Nima Sanandaji writes, is that "many women work, but seldom in the private sector and seldom enough hours to reach the top."

Clinton Policies to End Pay Gap Would Just Make It Larger | 2016-05-24
The effect, Swedish scholar Nima Sanandaji writes, is that "many women work, but seldom in the private sector and seldom enough hours to reach the top."

Clinton Policies to End Pay Gap Would Just Make It Larger | 2016-05-24
The effect, Swedish scholar Nima Sanandaji writes, is that "many women work, but seldom in the private sector and seldom enough hours to reach the top."

BARONE: Clinton Policies to End Pay Gap Would Just Make It Larger | 2016-05-24
The effect, Swedish scholar Nima Sanandaji writes, is that “many women work, but seldom in the private sector and seldom enough hours to reach the top.”

Clinton Policies to End Pay Gap Would Just Make It Larger | 2016-05-24
The effect, Swedish scholar Nima Sanandaji writes, is that "many women work, but seldom in the private sector and seldom enough hours to reach the top."

Clinton Policies to End Pay Gap Would Just Make It Larger | 2016-05-24
The effect, Swedish scholar Nima Sanandaji writes, is that “many women work, but seldom in the private sector and seldom enough hours to reach the top.”

Clinton Insurance policies to Finish Pay Hole Would Simply Make it Bigger | 2016-05-24
The impact, Swedish scholar Nima Sanandaji writes, is that “many ladies work, however seldom within the non-public sector and rarely sufficient hours to achieve the highest.”

Clinton Policies to End Pay Gap Would Just Make It Larger | 2016-05-24
The effect, Swedish scholar Nima Sanandaji writes, is that "many women work, but seldom in the private sector and seldom enough hours to reach the top."

Michael Barone: Clinton policies to end pay gap would just make it larger | 2016-05-23
The effect, Swedish scholar Nima Sanandaji writes, is that “many women work, but seldom in the private sector and seldom enough hours to reach the top.”

Michael Barone: Clinton policies to end pay gap would just make it larger | 2016-05-23
The effect, Swedish scholar Nima Sanandaji writes, is that “many women work, but seldom in the private sector and seldom enough hours to reach the top.”

Michael Barone: Clinton policies to end pay gap would just make it larger | 2016-05-22
That's certainly been the effect in Scandinavia, where such policies have been carried farthest. The effect, Swedish scholar Nima Sanandaji writes, is that "many women work, but seldom in the private sector and seldom enough hours to reach the top."

Either we must dare to reform the Nordic welfare model, or accept that a country famous for its progressive policies will continue to have shamefully few women on top.

As is clear, an expansive welfare state may be good for some things, but expanding the ranks of managers for women is not one of them. The feminist heritage that dates back to the age of the Vikings needs to be combined with a more free-market and small government approach if Nordic societies are to fulfill their gender equal potential.

The Nordic Gender Equality Paradox | 2016-05-11
It is nonetheless a consistently interesting take which revises a lot of the stereotypes many people have about the Nordic countries as being so absolutely wonderful for gender egalitarianism in every regard.

Reformera föräldraförsäkringen för ökad jämställdhet | 2016-05-03
en har kallats den främsta jämställdhetsreformen. Den över 40 år gamla föräldraförsäkringen, är den främsta förklaringen till att kvinnor kunnat träda in i arbetslivet och skaffa sig en egen försörjning.

Tove Mellgren: Förändra föräldraförsäkringen | 2016-05-03
Det är något som forskaren Nima Sanandaji undersöker i den nyutgivna boken ”The Nordic Gender Equality Paradox”. En av förklaringarna menar han är att svenska kvinnor är borta för länge från arbetsmarknaden i samband med att de blir föräldrar.

Svenska modellen en kvinnofälla | 2016-05-02
Boken öppnar för nya ingångar till en diskussion som tenderar att fastna i gamla hjulspår om representativitet och krav på kvotering. Det gör Sanandajis bidrag värdefullt.

The Nordic welfare state an obstacle to a woman’s career? | 2016-05-02

Svenska modellen en kvinnofälla | 2016-05-02
Boken öppnar för nya ingångar till en diskussion som tenderar att fastna i gamla hjulspår om representativitet och krav på kvotering. Det gör Sanadajis bidrag värdefullt.

Mujeres, Estados de Bienestar y Boric-Fernando Claro | 2016-04-27

Mornings – 26 April | 2016-04-26

Rödgröna hinder för kvinnliga chefer | 2016-04-25
Det är tydligt att det som var tänkt att skapa jämställdhet har kommit att stjälpa. Men kanske är det som främst ska ifrågasättas själva tanken att det finns just ett egenvärde av att allt delas lika och att utfallet måste se ut på ett visst sätt; är det inte viktigare att människor lever sitt liv som de själva väljer och föredrar?

Svenska modellen en kvinnofälla | 2016-04-25
Boken öppnar för nya ingångar till en diskussion som tenderar att fastna i gamla hjulspår om representativitet och krav på kvotering. Det gör Sanadajis bidrag värdefullt.

Svenska modellen en kvinnofälla | 2016-04-25
Boken öppnar för nya ingångar till en diskussion som tenderar att fastna i gamla hjulspår om representativitet och krav på kvotering. Det gör Sanadajis bidrag värdefullt. Förhoppningsvis kommer boken att leda till en vidare diskussion om hur jämställdheten faktiskt kan öka i Sverige.

Svenska modellen en kvinnofälla | 2016-04-25
Boken öppnar för nya ingångar till en diskussion som tenderar att fastna i gamla hjulspår om representativitet och krav på kvotering. Det gör Sanadajis bidrag värdefullt.

Inte ska väl Ungern och Polen slå oss i jämställdhet? | 2016-04-21
I Sverige slår vi oss gärna för bröstet och berättar att vi är ett av världens mest jämställda länder. Ändå är nästan inga andra länder i EU sämre på att få kvinnor till toppositioner.

Free market feminism #1: Few women on top in the egalitarian Nordics | 2016-04-21
If you want to find gender equality, head north. The Nordic countries top nearly all measures of women’s progress. The Mothers´ Index ranking, for example, finds that Norway is the best country in the world to be a mother in, followed by Finland, Iceland, Denmark and Sweden. The Global Gender Gap report reaches a similar conclusion, with Iceland ranked as the most gender equal country in the world followed by Norway, Finland and Sweden.

Inte ska väl Ungern och Polen slå oss i jämställdhet? | 2016-04-21
Men ska jämställdheten öka måste vi också göra något åt den offentliga sektorn, där många fler kvinnor än män jobbar.

Individuals who advocate egalitarian public guidelines frequently indicate the expansive welfare states of nations within the Nordic region, that have several government-funded social services for citizens of socioeconomic classes and walks of existence.

En jämställdhetsparadox | 2016-04-16
Boken öppnar för nya ingångar till en diskussion som tenderar att fastna i gamla hjulspår om representativitet och krav på kvotering. Det gör Sanadajis bidrag värdefullt.

Mengungkap Dampak Buruk Welfare State Terhadap Pemberdayaan Perempuan | 2016-04-15

The Nordic Gender Paradox | 2016-04-13
This book does a terrific job of dissecting why women in the world’s most gender-equal countries fail to live up to their potential.

Sanandaji, who has written two books and numerous papers on women’s career progress and entrepreneurship, cites many examples of policies common to Nordic countries that, despite their intentions, have the additional consequences of holding back women from success in business environments.

Should Israel become a Nordic country? | 2016-04-11
However, to the surprise of many on the economic Right, the proponents of big government seem undeterred by these examples.

Den nordiska kvinnoparadoxen | 2016-04-03
Den nordiska paradoxen, med höga mål för jämställdhet men ovanligt låg andel kvinnliga chefer, beror ytterst på våra politiska prioriteringar.

Квоты — тупик равноправия | 2016-03-31
Некоторые проблемы пытаются решать методом политического диктата, такого как гендерные квоты. Предполагается, что в противном случае равноправие пошатнется. На деле это не так, пишут Карин Сванборг-Шёвалль (Karin Svanborg-Sjövall) из Timbro и Нима Санандаджи (Nima Sanandaji) из аналитического центра ECEPR.

Квоты — тупик равноправия | 2016-03-31
Некоторые проблемы пытаются решать методом политического диктата, такого как гендерные квоты. Предполагается, что в противном случае равноправие пошатнется. На деле это не так, пишут Карин Сванборг-Шёвалль (Karin Svanborg-Sjövall) из Timbro и Нима Санандаджи (Nima Sanandaji) из аналитического центра ECEPR.

”Kvotering återvändsgränd för jämställdheten” | 2016-03-30
Genom politiska diktat såsom könskvotering försöker politiker lösa problem man tycker sig se.

Ingen slump att Sverige har färre kvinnliga chefer | 2016-03-04
Här i de nordiska länderna är attityden till kvinnors arbete ovanligt positiv. Vi har högst ställda mål när det kommer till jämställdhet och en politik som målmedvetet arbetar för att fördela makten i samhället mer lika mellan könen.

Politik försvårar kvinnors karriärer | 2016-02-26
Den nordiska paradoxen, med höga mål för jämställdhet men ovanligt låg andel kvinnliga chefer beror ytterst på våra politiska prioriteringar.

Politik försvårar kvinnors karriärer | 2016-02-26
Ingen kan göra allt, livet handlar om kompromisser, liksom politiken. Vi kan anse att chefspositioner inte är det viktigaste målet för jämställdhet, men om vi håller fast vid att det är eftersträvansvärt måste vi erkänna svårigheter.

Debatt: Svenska välfärdsmodellen hindrar kvinnors karriärer | 2016-02-25
Den svenska jämlikhetsdiskussionen kännetecknas av en märklig paradox.

The Nordic Glass Ceiling | 
While Nordic societies are indeed role models when it comes to gender equality, this equality stretches back centuries before the modern welfare state and reflects traditional Nordic culture.

Free markets, individual liberty and open societies